Friday, May 23, 2014

Medical help you might need somewhere in the future

So many are facing medical crisis and frustrated with our current medical system.  You need to understand our system.  Many years ago Universities were struggling to provide medical education to students but having trouble financially.   Pharmaceutical groups stepped up to the plate and I guess you might say the rest is history.  With Pharmacies providing the money they of course requested the schools try all their new finds.  It doesn't exactly leave one full of hope for what their doctor (who was trained via Pharmaceutical Money)  might be currently offering.  

My experience has been nothing but more problems than I started out with.   One sure cure I was offered totally messed up my liver.  All the doctors have offered me has brought me close to death.  So I've looked elsewhere and found a great source that so far hasn't let me down.  It's 

There is a wealth of information available for almost any problem you will face.  Dr Christopher was unwilling to yield a gun in WW2 so he was made a medic. Waiting for orders he was sent to a medical facility in Utah.  While there some men came through with problems the Army doctors couldn't treat or cure.  John R. Christopher asked if he could try.  They gave him one week and he he was able to cure the man selected.  After a few more cures the Army built him a lab and let him research and make new formulas.   

I hope this will  Help you find the help you need in the future.  


Sunday, May 18, 2014

May Day's

It's been frustrating waiting for Spring to come forth fully.  Our last frost year was May 17th.   Much later than it had ever been in the 14 years we have lived here.  I pray about my garden.  The impressions I get have never been off.  I have tomato, squash, melon plants I started weeks ago getting bigger than I ever expected but now I will be able to set them out.  I know lots of folks have already set theirs out and some even had large green tomatoes on them only to lose them last week.  But until today I felt strongly impressed not to plant yet. 

I guess my garden is all about faith.  Some might think its silly of me but our garden is very important to us.  We live on it all year long.  It provides a good 70% of our food for the year.   I've prayed daily over my garden and have harvested heavily during very wet years and severe drought years. 

I love the movie "Faith Like Potatoes".   If you haven't seen it you should get a copy to watch.  It's about a family in Africa that decides in the middle of a drought to plant potatoes which of course require lots of water.  After mighty prayer they planted and kept praying and in the end all the plants were quite dead but on harvest day they harvested the biggest crop of potatoes that anyone had ever seen.  It's all about faith.

So this year, practice faith and plant your garden with the Lord's help.


Monday, May 5, 2014

Oh Happy Day!

I'm so grateful after 1 1/2 years of putting up with Wild Blue/Excede Internet we've finally got them cancelled and got REAL internet service again.  So joys in life are so very good.  We can now use our TV movie streaming device, watch videos online, do anything we want, anytime we want.  But just so you know, I really did survive 3 full days with no internet at all.  Duh.... the last 18 months has taught me to not expect having it any way!

Now that I have that taken care of I can get back to what I need to be doing.  The garden is going very slow this year.  The weather has taken a toll and I'm just being patient.  I'll wait until mid May to plant anything else and betting it will catch up quickly. 

I was spending 2 hours each day just to post a "quick" comment in face book and 3 hours just to check my e-mail each day and I don't even want to think about time wasted trying to get into the bank site.  Now I can get busy cleaning the chicken coop, organizing the basement, working in the garden.  Doing the stuff I need to be doing instead of wasting time online.

So today I celebrate the simple joys of life.  Internet that works so I can take a walk and enjoy the the wonderful Spring wild flowers and see and hear the birds singing their happy songs.  So I will depart here and go enjoy life.  I hope you can do so too!
