I realize I am in my mid 60's and not getting any younger. I want to keep going and going and going and the best way to do that is to keep going and going and going. I cleaned up my diet. The only meds I take is singulair is keep my asthma under control and something for my allergies when needed which is Zyrtec this year. I also take a baby aspirin daily as I never want to do the blood clot thing I had to deal with a couple years ago. I mostly use herbal medicine. When I fractured and dislocated my hip the hospital wanted to send me to the city for a hip replacement. I went home instead. I used Dr.Christopher Bone and tissue formula both the salve and pills and I used a good chiropractor. yes I was in unbearable pain but I worked through it and after a month my hip was back in place and when my doctor took another xray the fractures were all gone. I am not willing to get a hip replacement if I can take care of it myself. I don't carry the gene that causes blood clots so after my 3 months flat on my back dealing with a 5 cm clot I took fancy drugs for a year and then went on a baby aspirin. I never want to be in that spot again! If I have a problem I find a solution. I stay active and exercise to keep me mobile and flexible. I push my limits daily. I have so many friends 10 to 20 years younger then me that are falling apart and are no longer able to do daily walks and even do their own personal care. I never want to be in that position.
I watched a show on HBO last week called " If your not in the obits eat your breakfast." Great show, watch it if you can! A large group of 90 to 100 year old's that are very physically active. One is a lady that in her 70's her daughter invited her to go out for a walk. It continued daily and in 3 months time she invited her to go out for a race. She is now over 100 years old and is still running races.
So if you want to live a long full life get up and get going! If you are out of shape, get in shape and keep going.