Saturday, October 15, 2011

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalms 118:24.   I have these days every Fall and Spring.  Fall when we start having those cooler days and then suddenly have a perfect 70 degree type day with a gentle breeze and lots of sun.  Spring when you have those days it's coming on the heels of a long hard winter.  You just got to appreciate those days!

Yes when we have them they are so very perfect.  Today was one of those days.  I dashed out and got three loads of laundry hung out to dry and we worked out in our pole barn ripping out some more rooms to make parking areas.

When we first moved here years ago, it was right after 9/11 and my husband got shipped out with his guard unit.  We had started a pole barn and the kids and I turned part of it into a home to live in.  We were clueless on what we were doing.  We relied solely on the Lord to show us what we needed to do each day or someone who knew how to do it. 

We learned a lot that first year!  But mostly we developed great faith.  You have to understand we live far off the beaten path here.  To have people just show up right when we needed them was a big testimony builder.   We had one family who just got in their car up in Minnesota and started driving with no clue why or where they were going.  They drove straight into our driveway right at the moment we needed their special talents. 

It was a bitter sweet moment today to be ripping out what we had worked so hard to create.  But it was so sweet to be out in this glorious sunshine today! 

So today I hope you will count your blessing and be grateful for this day!


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