Most years starting in August I start lettuces and greens and baby carrots etc in pots to keep in my window sills all winter long. This year with everything going on I didn't get it done. Today I found this blog with an idea I love!
They intended this for an apartment dweller but I think it would work great inside in the winter. They said to line it with burlap, add soil and plants. But inside I would line it with heavy plastic then the burlap and soil and plants. The plastic to keep from having water drain all over.
Lettuces, greens like kale etc, baby carrots, green onions, chives all grow well during the winter time. Lettuces and greens can be picked a few leaves at a time and they will continue to grow. They grow slower inside during the winter but can be a welcome addition to you winter diet. Kale is very nutritious. Try adding a few torn leaves into your soup. Some Dutch grew Kale in their window sills because the German's wouldn't touch it. It gave them a nutritious ingredient for their soup that helped them survive near starvation times they lived in. It could make a big difference if hard times hit. having fresh greens to add to your meals.
If you don't have a sunny window you can grow them under florescent lights. I grew several pots of kale and some other greens for my son. He kept a pot in the cage with his Iguana who loved to eat the fresh growing greens. We had about ten of them growing and rotated them around to keep them going all year long. It was his job to water and tend them and he kept them under florescent lights.
Anyway I thought I would pass this along in case anyone wanted to try it this winter.
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