Saturday, November 14, 2015

There is never enough time

Have you ever caught yourself saying when I get ______ done, then I can do_______.   I sure know I have said that many times in my life.  We think when we finish school, the kids grow up, we retire that we'll have more time.  But we never do have more time.   Its just that simple.

So you have to take a good look at your life and decide what is most important and make room for those things.   Sleep is important.  If you don't get enough your body and mind will shut down.  It's non-negotiable.  For me taking care of our home, daily scripture time, growing our food, putting home made healthy meals on the table are important.  You have to look at your life and decide what the non-negotiable items are in your life.

Next you have to decide what items you feel you really need to be doing.   How can you then fit them into your life in a way that you can afford financially and physically.   You think you will get to it somewhere down the road because you won't.  You have to plan now to work these important things into your life.  

I went through my life and discovered where I was wasting time.  I waste the most time if I don't get enough sleep.  My body simply doesn't function if I don't get enough sleep.  I spend to much time on facebook, pinterest and other time wasting activities.  So enough sleep helps me stay on track.  I spend about 2 minutes on Facebook.  That's enough time to wish folks a happy birthday, make a quick comment and be on my way.  I don't go to pinterest unless I have a reason to be there.  I actually write it down to keep me in focus and getting what I need and departing.  So you have to know your time wasters and stay on focus.  I can spend hours on these items or playing solitaire.  

Learn new skills and read more.  Make use of your time and don't waste it.  Learn to be frugal so you can stay on budget.  Don't say you don't have time until you take a look at your life and get rid of the things that make you waste time.  Plan ahead and don't let things surprise you.  Christmas is coming and it cames on the same time each year.  I plan in January what gifts will be given so we can buy throughout the year.  No surprises unless my other half keeps our finances in a stranglehold all year long but I can usually get home made gifts made up out of my stash to help out.  I found some neat gifts that could be made quickly out of old sweaters right after I had given a whole bag of them away.  So if you need quick gift ideas go search on Pinterest if you have a stash of old sweaters!

So good luck on finding time to do the things you really want and need to do.  If you continue to say I'll do that when I have time you already know now that you will never do it if you don't make time to do it now.  

I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving with your friends and family and have a very blessed Christmas season. 


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